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Welcome to The Minster Church of England Primary School 'Secure and happy, learning together in a safe nurturing community guided by our God.' 'When you go through deep waters I will be with you.' Isaiah 43:2

Welcome to The Minster C.E. Primary School

Headteacher's Welcome

Thank you for visiting our website. I hope that the information provided will help you to gain an understanding of how the school is organised and of our Christian values and ethos.

I am proud to be Headteacher of this wonderful school. The Minster C.E. Primary School is a happy and vibrant school where we aim to provide an excellent education for all pupils.  We have a friendly, committed and caring staff, all of whom endeavour to provide the best educational experiences and a wide range of exciting opportunities for every child at our school.

Our children are happy children, who enjoy coming to school and being part of The Minster family.  We strive to ensure that the children experience success in a nurturing and inclusive environment, to help the children understand that they make a positive difference to the world in which we all live, and to have high hopes and ambitions for themselves and for other people.

Working together in partnership with parents, carers and the local community, we work hard to provide our children with the best possible chances, and to be rightly proud of themselves and their efforts as special, unique individuals.

With very best wishes,

Mr James Hobbs

HeadteacherThe Minster

To find out more about our school, please watch the video below.

The Minster C.E Primary School Tour.mp4
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