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The Minster C of E Primary School

In this section of the website you will discover about the ethos of our school, what we believe to be most important in creating a safe and nurturing environment in which all our children can grow and learn.  Find out who the key members of staff are as well as, who our governors are. 

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The Minster School is in Emwell Street, at the western end of the town with a catchment area that includes the village of Upton Scudamore. At present an average of about 219 children attend the school, coming from all areas of Warminster.

The school stands in a lovely garden setting in an elevated position looking over the town. The main building, dating from 1882, contains four classrooms for Years 4, 5 and 6, a number of group working rooms and the school library.  Reception and Years 1,2 and 3 work in a our newer building (opened in February 2016). The main entrance to the school and offices are also in this building. We have a stand-alone superb activities hall which provides fantastic opportunities for physical education and drama, and is also used by the community.

The grounds comprise of a playing field with many well-established trees, ornamental gardens and a very old weeping ash which forms the backdrop to the playground. We are currently developing our outdoor spaces inclduing Reception class space, playground and field.

The school is a voluntary-controlled Church of England school, with close links with the Minster Church. There is a strong ethos of caring and children are taught to respect and care for each other and to follow an agreed code of values and behaviour. The Minster School is committed to safeguarding the welfare of children and has robust child protection procedures.  The school was recognised as a ‘good’ school by Ofsted in January 2024 and 'Excellent' by SIAMs in November 2022.

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