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In order to achieve this we aim to:

  • ensure that all children are safe, secure, happy and healthy
  • raise self-esteem of all members of the school community
  • encourage children to enjoy learning, understand how to learn and develop an enquiring mind
  • value and respect every member of the school community
  • through a framework of Christian values, to help children to develop as responsible and caring adults
  • help all members of the school community to achieve personal success and reach their full potential
  • provide a wide range of quality learning experiences
  • develop the ability to live and work both co-operatively and independently

School Values

We teach Christian values through our curriculum and collective worship. These are the values that the school community have agreed are the most important for us:









We provide a huge range of sporting opportunities as well as music, drama and creative experiences. We place a high priority on children's personal and social development, behaviour and relationships.

Our Code of Conduct

We respect other people and property.

We are always kind to each other in person and when using technology.

We always work hard and do our best.

We manage our behaviour and feelings in a good way.

We are ready and prepared to learn.

We listen and follow instructions.

We use acceptable language at all times.

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