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Safeguarding Information for Parents and Carers

We are dedicated to ensure that all children at The Minster CE Primary School are safe at all times, this is not limited to the school day or site. Safeguarding our school community is of paramount importance and underpins all our work. Safeguarding includes aspects such as anti-bullying, child protection and keeping children safe from all kinds of harm, including online safety.  

At The Minster CE Primary School we adapt the approach that it could happen here.  Therefore, all staff, governors and volunteers receive appropriate safeguarding and child protection training which is regularly updated to ensure the highest possible standards are maintained. Further to this on every interviewing panel, at least one member of that panel has received Safer Recruitment Training.   

All staff at The Minster CE Primary School have a statutory responsibility to report any disclosures or concerns where a child may be subject to, or at risk of, significant harm. 

Please see our 'School Policy' page on our website for the Child Protection and Safegaurding Policy.

Key Members of Staff:

Designated Safeguarding Lead: Mr James Hobbs 

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead: Miss Kelly Sattin

Working together to help prevent abuse and keep children and young people safe.

The NSPCC offer a wide range of resources to help parents, carers and others members of the community, to ensure that they are able to meet their safeguarding responsibilities:

NSPCC Helpline – Parents , carers and members of the public can contact the NSPCC helpline whenever they’re worried about a child by calling 0808 800 5000, emailing help@nspcc.org.uk, texting 88858* or contacting us online at nspcc.org.uk/ helpline. The helpline is free, available 24/7 and calls can be made anonymously. This service can also be used for general advice and guidance

Need-to-Know Guides - Further information on a range of issues can be accessed through a series of guides. These include leaving children home alone, holding babies safely, and spotting signs of abuse and neglect.


PANTS – The Underwear Rule: Talking PANTS teaches children important messages, like their body belongs to them and they should tell an adult if they're upset or worried. Using age appropriate language, PANTS allows parents to have difficult conversations around sexual abuse without even mentioning the word ‘sex’.


Internet MattersThis organisation ensures parents, carers and professionals working with children have the knowledge and skills to support children’s media literacy, safety and wellbeing online.

Keep Children Safe Online: Information, advice, support - Internet Matters

NetAware: Net Aware is an online tool that informs parents about the social networks, apps and games that children might be using. We looked at the frequency of inappropriate content, how robust and easy to find the privacy settings are, and why children like using the sites. We regularly update Net Aware with new apps, and parents can sign up to Net Aware newsletters to keep up with digital trends.


Parent Zone is devoted to providing expert information to families, schools and family professionals. They create, curate and check the best available advice and information on all of the issues that are caused or amplified by the internet. 


Online Safety

Useful information for parents and carers:

Mental Health and Well-Being

Children’s mental health and wellbeing at The Minster CE Primary School is as important as any academic progress and achievements made. We believe that school plays a key role in developing healthy minds, building resilience and growing the behaviours and attitudes that the children need to be successful in their lives.

At The Minster we employ dedicated mental health and wellbeing coaches through a company called Headstand PE.  Using sport and physical activity, they provide the support and steps to help children leap over life’s hurdles.

Headstand PE

The Minster CE Primary schools Senior Mental Health Lead is Mr James Hobbs.  

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