Assemblies and Collective Worship at The Minster C.E. Primary School
At The Minster C.E. Primary School, an act of Collective Worship takes place every day and is a vital part of our school life. This is a special time and allows children and staff to come together and share in worship through learning, music, reflection and prayer. Our worship is inclusive and gives all of the school community the chance to be part of the experience, while respecting different family and cultural backgrounds.
The weekly pattern of collective worship looks like this:
Worship is led by the Headteacher and focuses on the school value of the term through Bible Stories or other topical subjects. The Picture News resource is used to promote current affairs and the UN rights of the child when appropriate.
Worship is led by the Deputy Headteacher. The focus is on British Values: Mutual Respect, Democracy, Individual Liberty and The Rule of Law.
In class worship to allow time for reflection and discussion.
Led by a member of the clergy
Worship is led by the Headteacher and focuses on evaluating the week’s leaning through using Windows, Mirrors and Doors (looking out, looking in, looking ahead).
Children regularly lead collective worship based on our school values and specific projects. They plan these themselves.
Three times a year parents are invited to class celebration assemblies. Every child is awarded a certificate for their achievements. Classes share work they are proud of and one child is presented with our school values trophy for living out the values.
We also welcome visitors to our collective worship from a range of organisations. Some past visitors have included The Dogs’ Trust, Warminster Library and The British Legion.
Our Harvest, Christmas, Easter and Leavers’ services take place at The Minster Church.
Our School Prayer
Father, we thank you for this special time together. Help us learn more of you and what you want us to be, through the words we hear and the words we sing. Amen.